Thursday, February 08, 2007

Theism and all that prevails.

Would you hold Him responsible,
for the cataclysmic conjectures at Bhuj?
For all that surpassed the claustrophobic cubicles of
The Pentagon?
Believe, for we do,
In the omnipotent, all-encompassing cry of The Messiah.
In His infrequent, deliberating search for compassion.
Do believe, for we do.
For else, all vows of faith fail us,
Our dreams of a global village shatter ground.
We shall believe, else strive to,
Least fathom the thought of making an attempt.
To believe in Him, Inshallah,
Gopal Krishna and Pee-Wee-Herman.
Give me the strength and bravado, my hero,
to accept the things that I cannot change,
and to change the things I can.
To forgive and to forget,
to forfeit and to forsake.
My attempts for atheism are as true
as Kaavya's 'original' spin-yarn.
I wAnT to believe in Him,
when all is well and good with me.
Help me believe,
Help me believe.


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